I have over the last months gotten questions from Swedish media about the recent
piracy attacks on ships off West Africa. Piracy off West Africa has been a
large and real problem since at least the end of the 90-tees. I have as a
result of the interview updated my graph based IMB statistics, see picture below.
However, the
under reporting is substantial. If you want to know more about the diverse
pirate modus operandi off West Africa I recommend my article: Liwång H (2017).Piracy off West Africa from 2010 to 2014: an analysis. WMU J Marit Affairs,16(3), 385–403 and the article Liwång H, Sörenson K & Österman C (2015).
Ship security challenges in high-risk areas : manageable or insurmountable? WMUJ of Marit Affairs, 14(2), 201–217.